Room size: 50m²
Capacity: 30 seats
Equipment: sound system, beamer, screen
Occasions: suitable for conferences, special occasions and lectures

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You are welcome to hire our multi-functional room. It is located next to the animal park’s entrance area and is equipped with a sound system and a beamer including screen. The room is ideally suited for conferences and lectures as well as for celebrating special occasions.

The available furniture provides seating for up to 30 individuals. A larger number of seats can be arranged upon request.

Most room hires can be augmented by catering services, the scope of which is determined by you.

A reservation in advance is required for hiring our multi-functional room. Room hire fees are €10 per hour or a maximum of €50 per day, provided your event takes place within the respective opening hours of the animal park. You can hire the premises for longer against an additional fee. Our contact partner will be happy to answer any questions you may have either on the phone or by email/contact form. Please note that rentals always require written form. You are welcome to call or write an email, but only one contract is binding